Driving cars is a real sport. To control the car should have proficient health, mind, personality, training, patience and concentration routines, but all the ones that just might work out perfect thong actual process drive seniority and impressive car steering wheel.
First of all, one of the most important factors affecting the safety of the driver is the speed. Drivers who know that there is nothing more interesting, when surfing at speeds over 100km / h on a deserted road, brilliant sunshine charming natural landscape, but everyone knows khonh and aware that the times when driving at high speeds so the most accident-prone, so the driver is often subjective can not control the steering wheel and do not handle the situation promptly.

Weather also has a large effect to unsafe driving. For example, when the weather is dry, the car is running at a speed of 60km / h, when required, the car will brake slipped by about 40-45cm, but when it rains, the distance will be between 90 and 140m slide !! !.
At night, the driver often feels slower cars running with daytime although speed 1 because the driver did not show up the next scene glance glass door car. Therefore, the driver - especially newcomers inexperienced rider tend acceleration when driving at night and therefore accidents can occur.

While avoiding a car that runs counterclockwise, the driver feels the road is often not wide enough and the speed of the cars and the higher the stronger that feeling. Some less experienced driver, so feel fear at the time of collision should generally avoid breaking handlebars several times and so can lead to unfortunate accidents.

At night, sometimes by driving tired when driving long distances, the driver can see the road mirage. The mirage phenomenon is very diverse, it can be a beast running through the street, a house standing in the middle or the road could be the object of unknown shape. In such cases, according to the natural reflexes, the driver usually reliable braking or steering wheel is broken and only then surprised to realize that there is no obstacle in front of anything. Unfortunately it is a serious mistake because reality can fully appear real obstacles on the road. These common measures to prevent the illusion like chatting with a companion, listen to the radio ... have no effect. The only way to prevent this phenomenon that is getting enough sleep or rest, even if only briefly.