Service Oil Change AUTOMOBILE

Oil and Replace Oil magnets

Lubricator is a simple task. Oil change was not anything more complicated. Steering wheel cheap oil. There are many types of vehicles - such as the Toyota Tacoma, Toyota Corolla ... - use the right oil gearbox (transmission fluid) makes steering oil. But not always such vehicles. Need to review the handbook (Owner's Manual) to know how to use properly.

A - Proverbs Oil:

First, find out where the oil wheel. It can be a latex average (see-through); or a black tight container. In any matter, cap also have the "Power Steering Fluid" to identify. Importantly, before opening the cap is 'Me Wipe Clean' dusty debris deposited on the long stick and round cap bottle.

Then open the lid and check the dipstick attached to the cap, see the oil level is still adequate in the regulations or not. Scored available dipstick Cold and Hot seal - can one side and the other recorded recording Hot Cold - to enable us to check. If the oil is below or at the minimum bar (minimum), it is a sign with a sweet tooth, need more magnets.

When lubricator, remember motto leisurely through a funnel, and monitoring the oil level regularly. Do not let the oil beyond the maximum level. If you accidentally pour too, must seek to withdraw the (new oil change See below). Otherwise, the situation more oil than necessary will cause damage to the system.

Get in the car, open air explosion shook the rudder in place and left to right several times, to "burp" out of the system air bubbles. Then, turn off the machine, and close the lid off the jar.

Extremely careful not to fall into the average dust while opening, especially while blasting machine, can do dirt in the Hood (hood of the car) to fall into. Always 'Wipe Clean' around average and the cap before and after the lubricator, to ensure that no external dust in a bowl under it. This is essential, because the oil in the system for years, the exotic dust that can accelerate the process of friction and wear.

B - Replace the new oil: There are 2 ways to change oil

-The first way:

Use a Turkey baster (see picture) to suck out the old oil. Then suck the new oil is finished. But once such a course can not suck the oil from the system. If there is time, we can run the car about 20 minutes to mingle with new oil old oil. Then again Turkey baster tube that drained out of oil, and replace the new oil. Every time we do this is to improve the quality to be a bit of oil. Do to the 3rd or 4th, you can rest assured that have been completely replaced liquid in the system with fresh oil.

If not enough hours in a marquetry always, you can build into the following week, or any time convenient to do next ... part 2, and part 3 also. Like enjoying music DVD, Thuy Nga Paris or Asia so that: Each week as a book that's OK!

-How 2: Remove the hose

By this method, we can flush out all the old oil and replace oil always new once. However, people still need help. This story seems a bit difficult for many of you: Find out where? Cried, "he overhangs the" in-house it? Fatigue gotta talk without hands make him understand overhang! Or is it because of "mistress"? Even harder! Pham Dinh know that, but also would like to present themselves for earlier have the following:

Step 1: Use stimulus (jack) lifts the car up, then the team list to keep raising its head.

Step 2: Draw pipeline on average (Return Hose, usually small tube, if 2 tubes). Attach a Plastic tubes in (can be purchased at auto parts store) instead of that place. Then lift the other end of the plastic tube orifice higher. Purpose: To oil from flowing from the bottle out.

Note: Return Hose pipes sticking with a long average, so suck on pretty tight hoses. Now, separating "them" out there are really difficult. Speaking to you patiently.

Step 3: Place the tip of the tube Return Hose (just remove the bottle from the tap) into a pot to the ground. This is where the line pots old oil, will be discharged from inside the system and in the tube comes out. Can make a longer piece Plastic tubes (also purchased from Home Depot) to Return Hose pipe extending down below lavatory. Make something heavy to Return Hose tightly with the pot. Purpose: To oil from splashing couch when melted.

Step 4: Open a new steering box oil, and to pre-moderate hand.

Step 5: Thanks to "soldier" in the car, open the machine, and a full round handlebars shake from right to left and vice versa. This action will make steering oil circulation system from inside the Hose switch Return on average to be taken. But since Return Hose has been removed, so fluid will now be directed to the lavatory on the ground.

Step 6: (performed simultaneously with step 6), at the same time, we - stood ready at the front of the car oil tank - continuous pouring new oil in the bottle.

An early, old oil flow out, pouring down pots containing; a beginning, a new oil poured into the ... continuous so until you see the stream flowing down the pot containing the oil becomes as new oil, then stop hand!

Step 7: Talking passengers shutdown. Return Hose Fitting back into the bottle. Belt tightening tubes for sure.

Step 8: Turn back, shook his round trip from the wheel side to the other and back again several times, to "burp" air bubbles from the system.

Step 9: Check the oil level. If not enough, add the proper guideline.

Step 10: Close the oil tank cap. Run a few laps to check.
Failure to do so, then what will happen?
The engine will not operate properly with persistence as its capabilities. Oil undertake vital functions and perform a clean oil that job better than dirty oil.

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